Helen looked up, surprise on her face. “Xander Willowby. Boy you’ve grown into a handsome young man,” she said and took in the Sheriff’s uniform that served as a constant reminder of the sacrifice I made. “A law man? Impressive.”

He shrugged bashfully. “Seemed like a perfect fit after the Army.”

Army? That was the first I’d heard of his military service, then again, I went out of my way to learn nothing about Xander’s life.

“The military turned you around, I guess?”

“Yes ma’am.” His blue gaze landed on me and I looked away. “Worked as a patrol officer in New Orleans when I got discharged, then worked my way up to detective, and here I am now.”


“Thanks. It’s good to see you again, Helen.”

“You too. How are your folks?” His folks were rich blue blood types who’d made sure their precious boy never got in any trouble.

“Good, I think. Dad finally made the move to Houston, to work at the bank in person.” His gaze turned to me again. “Looking good, Mara.”

“Xander,” I grunted and sipped the last of my coffee.

He shrugged and walked towards the counter, ready to turn that charm on the next unsuspecting woman. “Well, he sure grew up nice. You two together now?”

I shook my head as fast as I could. “Am I with the guy who let me take the hit for him and promptly forgot all about me? Absolutely not.”

“Well, what are the odds you ended up in the same small town?” She let out another wistful sigh, her gaze scrutinizing Xander closely. “I wouldn’t fault you. He’s more charming and handsome than he was as a boy. And he’s an officer of the law now, which means he’s learned his lesson.”

“Good for him, but that has nothing to do with me. We live in the same town and that’s it.” It would never be more than that. Once burned and all that.

“Okay. I’ll badger you more about it later,” she said and stood, motioning for me to come closer so she could wrap me in one of her famous hugs. “It’s so good to see you, honey.”

“You too,” I murmured into her chest and leaned into the hug, soaking up the easy love and affection Helen seemed to radiate. “I’ll see you soon. I promise.”

Her eyes lit up at those words and she patted my cheek. “Good. I’ll hold you to that.”

I watched Helen walk away, that bittersweet feeling flooding my veins, because as good as it was to see Helen again, it just brought up memories I’d rather forget.



Helen Landon was a blast from the past that I never thought I’d see again, especially since my parents no longer lived in Tulip. Seeing her again had stirred up memories I tried hard not to think about, especially since moving to Pilgrim and finding none other than Mara Landon serving up coffee and pastries. And wanting less than nothing to do with me.

It was a shame, really, because once upon a time Mara and I hadn’t been able to get enough of each other. Back then nothing had mattered. Nothing was an obstacle for two teenagers in love. In love. That’s what we’d been back then, young and stupid, and so in love we couldn’t think straight.

Hell, I couldn’t think straight even now when it came to her thick beautiful hair and big honey brown eyes, or those delicious curves that I just couldn’t resist. But it wasn’t just physical, Mara was smart and funny and so damn sassy I did all I could just to see the fiery side of her emerge.

For almost a full year that included a long, hot Texas summer, Mara had been mine. Her smiles, her kisses, her firsts, all mine. She’d been my first love. My only love. And then she was gone.

Gone so quickly, so effectively, that my memories were all I had left of the best year of my life.

“Hey Xander, you all right?” Tara stood in front of my desk, waving her hands in front of my face with an annoyed expression on her face.

I blinked and sat up, suddenly yanked back to the here and now. “What can I do for you Detective Beechum?”

She flashed a smile at the mention of her new, hard earned title, and Tara’s shoulders relaxed a little. “Let’s hope I never get tired of hearing that.” The proud smile she wore brought a smile to my own lips, knowing I’d helped her go from a uniformed officer to a detective. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Just lost in thought.” Thoughts I really ought to give up, and I would, if I could. “Did you need something?”

She nodded and raked a hand through her thick brown hair. “Yeah. Got reports of a strange odor coming from the old farm house over near the interstate. Don’t know if it’s a drug lab or decomp, but I figured we should check it out together.”