
“Thanks for choosing Bread Box for your pastry needs.” I flashed a tired smile at the elderly couple and handed them the pink and red box that the owner, my boss, had insisted on for Valentine’s Day.

“Thank you, sweetheart. Your cream puffs are to die for,” the female half of the couple returned with a kind smile. “Well, they’re worth the extra calories and fat around my backside, anyway.”

Her words brought a genuine smile to my face and tugged a reluctant laugh from me. “I aim to please, ma’am.”

“That you do, young lady.” The old man tipped his hat at me, something I wasn’t sure people even did anymore, and gifted me with a wink as he led his wife out of the bakery and into the chilly late January air.

“Next!” Being a baker wasn’t exactly glamorous work, but it was steady work, and in a small town like Pilgrim, job security was a benefit all on its own. My baked goods made sure I’d always have a way to pay the bills. “What’ll it be?” I cringed inwardly at my gruff words, remembering that my boss, Shannon, said my biggest flaw was customer service. She was right, and I knew it. But I just couldn’t bring myself to care enough to actually change it.

“I hear you’ve already started with the Valentine’s Day treats?” Mirabelle Vargas had the same jet black hair as her daughter, Eva, but those keen brown eyes were somehow more intimidating than Eva’s cool gray stare.

“Yep. Specials are right in front of you, Mirabelle.”

She waved away my bored words with a knowing smile. “Yes, I can see that Mara. What I want to know is, what do you recommend?”

I looked into her expectant gaze and nodded, knowing exactly what she liked. “I think you’ll really love the strawberry and rhubarb mini-pies. But if you want something a little less sweet, I have strawberry maple shortbread bars.”

Her brown eyes lit up and Mirabelle nodded. “I’ll take two of each, please.”

“Anything else?”

“A cappuccino sounds lovely, dear.” I nodded and got busy with the drink first. “You know, Mara, a smile wouldn’t kill you.”

I let out a long-suffering sigh while I resisted the urge to roll my eyes even though my back was to Mirabelle and finished off the foam on top of the cup before I turned to her.

“It might. Have you ever considered that?”

Mirabelle laughed and handed me cash in exchange for the small red and pink box with the Bread Box logo. A waste of money if you asked me, which Shannon hadn’t. That’s the beauty of having your father buy you a business while you make money by letting someone else run it.

“You’re a smart ass. I like that about you, but it might be why you haven’t had a date since the first Bush administration.” She laughed at her own joke.

“I wasn’t even alive way back then. But I appreciate your smart ass too, Mirabelle.”

She winked and let out another laugh. “See you tomorrow, Mara.”

“Can’t wait,” I deadpanned to her back before turning to the next customer, which caused my heart to skip a beat at the light blue eyes staring back at me. It was a face I knew well. I knew every line around her eyes and mouth, even though they were deeper and more abundant now, but it was a face I could never forget.

“Helen,” I sighed, hearing the shock in my voice.

Helen Landon’s smile spread as she stepped up to the counter, shaking her head so the springy silver curls that framed her face bounced energetically.

“Mara,” she grinned. “So, you are still here in Pilgrim.”

“I am,” I confirmed with a bland smile. Seeing Helen was always bittersweet. Hers was the first foster home where I was allowed to be a kid, where it was safe to fall asleep without pushing a dresser up against the door, but it was also where the biggest mistake of my life had taken place. “Didn’t you get the Christmas card I sent?”

Her smile dimmed. “I did. Two months ago. I hadn’t heard from you since, so I wondered if you’d moved on.”

“Nope. This is home now. For now, anyway.” I never got too comfortable anywhere, not even Pilgrim where I’d been for about five years, because life could turn on a dime and it was best to be prepared to move on instead of fighting it. “Did you want to order something?”

Helen looked to a black haired woman with violet eyes and a toddler on her hip, a question in her eyes. “Audrey came about two years after you left. This is my granddaughter, Sierra.”

“Nice to meet you. And congratulations.” It was good to know that the other kids Helen had taken in hadn’t disappointed her the same way I had.

“Thanks. Everything smells so incredible,” she enthused and turned her violet gaze to the display case. Thankfully.