"Weird good or weird bad?"

"Both. It feels pretty bad ass. But it's impersonal. Like I'm a prop."

"You've never with a friend and a random girl?"

"Sunshine, I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't have those kinds of friends."

"Shit. I was kinda hoping you and Ryan." She winks. "Don't tell Leighton."

"I won't. You shouldn't either. She'll kill you."

"She seems tough."

"She is."

Her painted black fingernails tap the fiberglass. "What else have you never done?"

"I thought you were done with our game?" I push myself onto the board, turn, sit next to her.

"These waves are shitty."

They are. And I'd rather talk to her any day. Still. I brought her here for a reason. I need her feeling the thrill of catching a wave. I need that excitement in her eyes. That feeling that she can do anything.

Fuck, I thought this had something to do with being her teacher.

Maybe it does.

But that's not what's motivating me.

It's not wanting to teach her or wanting to fuck her or wanting to fuck with her.

It's wanting her.


I throw my head back, sending my wet hair with it. "Three waves. Then we talk."

"It's my turn."

"It is."

Her hand brushes my shoulder as she brings it to her hair. She moves closer. Until her shoulder is brushing mine.

Her brow furrows with confusion.

She doesn't get how we're this close.

I know better than to stay this close.

But I don't move. "I'm waiting."

"I, um, I have another idea."


"Ten fingers," she says. "First one out has to catch three waves."

"You're that interested in my sex life."