"You're so full of shit."

I shrug. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

"Show me."

I pull the door open wider. "You don't need an excuse to come in."

"You already invited me inside." Her shoulder brushes my chest as she steps inside. Then it's her ass against my hip.

Her fingers curl into her jeans.

It's doing something to her, touching me.

Fuck, it's doing something to me.

I want to tear off those tight jeans and dive between her legs.

I want her groaning my name like I'm the center of her universe.

Like I'm the only thing she needs.

Her sandals pad the carpet. They squeak against the kitchen's beige tile.

She looks around the room curiously. "This is so… not you." Her shoulders rise to her ears as she stares up at the high cabinets.

She's way too short for this kitchen.

She looks adorable. Like a kid trying to sneak a cookie from the jar on top of the fridge.

"Tea's in the drawer on the right of the fridge."

She turns so her back is facing me. But I can still tell she's frowning. It's in her posture.

Then it's not.

She reaches for the drawer. Just taps the bottom.

She does it on her tiptoes. Still barely makes it.

"You need some help?" I offer.

"No, I've got it." She hoists herself onto the counter. Settles on her knees. Her tank top pulls up her lower back as she opens the cabinet. "I knew it."

"That I'd appreciate the view?"

She clears her throat. "You don't have Golden Needle."

"Do you even want Golden Needle?"

"No, but I—"

"You don't have to prove you're smarter than me. I concede that point."

"I just—"

"What do you want to drink?"

"Earl Grey."