"But you should know, I'm gonna watch either way." He winks. Back to teasing Dean.

But that feels right too. Teasing and serious Dean want the same thing. Both of them want a reaction.

They want love, attention, affection, respect. They're just going about it in different ways.

"Can I really do you?" I ask.

He raises a brow what do you think? "We should probably do the ink first."

My lips curl into a smile. "Should we?"

"Yeah. I'm a greedy fucker. I'm going to take the whole afternoon if you let me."

My shoulders soften. The teasing helps. This is a big, serious moment, but it feels wrong treating it with dry respect.

This is exactly how it should be.

"Do I have to do another star?" I ask.

"Or a spade or a heart. Your call."

My fingers curl around the metal. My call. Do I want my first piece of ink on me or him?

There's something so, so right about tattooing my teacher. And about tattooing Dean in particular.

But this is still my journey.

It should be me. "I want to do myself."

He pulls his cell from his pocket. "I can record it for later, right?"

"One picture."

"You into that?"

"Pictures?" Heat builds below my belly. I've never really considered the idea of recording myself, alone or with someone else, but the thought of doing it with Dean…

Fuck, it's hot in here.

My nod is heavy. Needy. Not at all professional. "Stop distracting me. I'm doing this thing."

He motions to the materials on the desk. Everything is here. Rubbing alcohol. Gloves. Tracing paper. Cotton balls. "Make the stencil."

I slide the gloves on, pick up the sharpie, and draw the perfect heart. A tiny, smooth thing with an arrow through the center.

He places his body behind mine, his chest against my back, his arm around my waist, his breath warming my neck.

Fuck, the heat of his body feels good.

Distractingly good.

Which is another point in the we can't handle keeping work and play separate column. But I'm not willing to give up either. Not right now. Not when I finally have everything I want.

"You sure you want something that tricky?" He brings his hand to the drawing. Traces its shape. "It will be easier if you lose the arrow."

"But it wouldn't be right."

He nods fair enough. Hands me the stencil.