"Everyone?" Chloe bites her lip. "Was it really that obvious?"

"Yeah. You guys bicker like Han and Leia," Walker says.

Iris whispers something in his ear.

He laughs and whispers back. "One more word and I will."

"Right here?" she asks.

"Fuck yeah." His fingers curl into her thigh, over her jeans. "Everyone can leave or watch."

"Can you give them that same less is more speech, Kay?" I ask.

"They heard it." She looks to Emma. Raises a brow.

Emma nods yeah.

They share a knowing look. A we're best friends, we can nearly communicate telepathically look.

"Excuse me. Restroom." Kaylee slides off her boyfriend's lap. She grabs Emma's hand on the way out the door.

"I think she likes Em better than she likes you," I say.

"I hate to agree with Dean, but that was cold." Leighton laughs.

"That's not it," Chloe says. "She's—" Her gaze shifts to Brendon. "Never mind. Girl talk."

"You know a secret!" Leighton claps her hands together. "Damn. Why are we at this all ages place? I can't get you drunk to get it out of you."

"I hold my liquor better than you'd think," Chloe says.

I motion no way.

Everyone laughs.

Chloe swats me.

Walker leans forward to pick up the mic. "Are we gonna sit here or are we gonna embarrass the hell out of ourselves?" He looks to me then to Ryan. "Do your thing."

Ryan and I usually duet a grunge number at karaoke. But that's not what I want to do today.

I lean in to whisper in Chloe's ear. "Come up with me."

"And sing in front of people?" She shakes her head.

"Since when are you shy?" I ask.

"Since the day you met me in the ninth grade. That's a terrible question."

"All right." I stand and offer her my hand. "What if I promise to make it worth your while."

Her eyes perk. "Worth my while how?"

"I'll fuck you in the bathroom."

Her cheeks flush. "You would have done that anyway."

"Yeah. Definitely." I motion come here. "Shit. I wasn't supposed to say that, was I?"