"What's with Dean and calling people by nicknames they don't like?" Chloe asks.

"He thinks it's cute." Leighton brushes her short hair behind her ear. "He thinks he's adorable."

"You suggesting otherwise?" I ask.

Leighton and Chloe share a hell yes look.

Leighton laughs. "I like you already. Too bad we won't work together much."

My eyes fix on Chloe. "Flirting for tips is Leighton's thing, but I don't see that working for you."

Chloe folds her arms over her chest.

"You're here to apprentice, aren't you?" I ask.

"Yeah." She bites her lip.

"Talk about the ink. Make them feel special. Important. Guys want attention from pretty girls. It's a fact of life."

Leighton nods. "It does work."

"What do you know about flirting with guys?" Chloe asks.

"Do what I gotta do." I wink.

She fights a smile.

Fuck, that smile. It lights up her dark eyes. It softens her brow. It convinces me there's some part of her that actually likes me.

What is it about Chloe?

She's the only girl who's ever pressed my buttons.

"I can take you out tonight. Teach you everything I know."

"I'm good." She unfurls her arms. Brings a hand to the counter. "But thanks."

"Suit yourself." I shrug.

Leighton moves out from behind the counter. She passes me with a shoulder bump. "Fuck with her, and I'll cut you."

I chuckle. I love when Leighton gives me shit. I love that she's already looking out for the new girl. That kind of solidarity is hard to find.

Even if it's gonna make it harder to talk Ryan of out un-hiring Chloe.

I should go back to my suite. Prep.

But I don't.

I move to the counter. "You like it here so far?"

Chloe gives me a long once-over. "I like most things about Inked Hearts."

"Ryan is the worst, isn't he?"

She just barely smiles. "Close."

"I missed this."