I shrug. He might as well answer honestly. Dean is Dean. They're going to like him or not.

"I did my apprenticeship at this place downtown with the same guy who taught my older brother. It was a lot of grunt work and I made twenty bucks a day, but I got to learn to do ink. When my brother jumped ship to go to Inked Hearts, he got me a job. We bought the place from the previous owner last year." Dean sucks a noodle from his fork. Chews. Swallows. Smiles that wicked smile of his. Take that, judgmental sister.

"You're an owner? Hmm." Gia stabs a piece of broccoli with her fork. Stares at it like it did her wrong. "That's not what I would have guessed."

"I know. It's not fair. All this beauty and brains too." Dean shrugs with mock humility. "Don't worry. It was ego that got me to buy the shop. Not intellect."

This time, Gia shoots me that what is he getting at look.

This time, I know.

"You're smarter than you let on-" I stumble on my old pet name/insult for Dean. Dick face doesn't work anymore. But what does? "Sweetie." No. Too cute.

It does light up his eyes.

God, he has such nice eyes. That bright, clear, gorgeous blue.

"He's here with you. As far as I'm concerned, he's a genius," Dad says.

Gia laughs. "You're so cheesy."

"You'll be the same way when you have kids," Dad says.

My sister's gaze stays on Dean. "So, you really came with Chloe for her test?"

"Had to beg her, but yeah," he says. "Should have seen me. It was pathetic. I was on my knees."

"I bet." Gia smiles knowingly. "So are you two like… boyfriend girlfriend."

I clear my throat.

Dad shakes his head. "I asked the same thing hours ago. They still haven't worked out an answer."

Dean laughs. "I tried. But Chloe wouldn't hear it."

"We were cooking!" I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Everyone here is on my side. It's too much attention, yes, but I can handle it.

"What do you think, sunshine, you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks.

My chest warms. "Yeah. Definitely."

"There you go." Dean shrugs like it's no big deal, but his expression betrays him. His eyes are even brighter. He's beaming like the sun.

"You call her sunshine when you're—" Gia motions to my bedroom upstairs.

God. I hide behind my hands.

Dean chuckles. "Pretty sure Chlo' will kill me if I offer that information."

"Could you not bring up my sex life in front of our father?" I try to ignore them in favor of my spaghetti marinara, but the rich, tomato flavor does nothing to distract me.

"You're too uptight, baby girl," Dad says. "This is the time in your life where you should be having fun."

My cheeks flame red.

This conversation needs to go away. Now. "Can you berate Gia for sticking with Mark then?"

"I tried for a long time," Dad says. "But she loves the guy."