"How horrifying." She shakes her head. "I do not." She looks to me. "Why Dean and not one of the other guys?"

"Well, the thing is, the other guys at the shop are smoking hot. But Dean… his personality ruins the whole thing," I deadpan.

"Fuck. Ow." Dean mimes being stabbed in the gut.

I shrug.

Walker laughs. "She is unfazed. I love it."

Ryan and Brendon share a knowing look.

Brendon shrugs what are you gonna do?

Ryan's brow furrows. He's working something out, but I'm not sure what it is.

"Is your ego okay?" Walker asks.

Dean makes a show of shaking his head. He leans forward. Wraps his arm around his stomach like his guts are falling out. "I don't know if I'm gonna make it this time." He stumbles forward. Then backward.

"You two fight a lot," Emma says. "I was only here one day and I saw it. You sure you want to deal with him?"

"I have to," I say. "His hideous nature makes it so much easier to concentrate."

"I can't… the shame." Dean reaches for an invisible weapon. Holds it in front of his stomach.

He drops to his knees and falls on the sword.

Then he falls flat on his face.

Rolls over. Lets out a death rattle.

His limbs go limp. Really limp. Like he's actually dead.

Walker shakes his head. "Was that it?"

Dean continues to play possum.

Walker looks to Ryan and Brendon. "I'm gonna get coffee. You want to come?"

Ryan nods.

Walker looks back to Dean. "Gym at five?"

Dean continues playing dead.

"I'll take that as a yes." Walker shakes his head ridiculous.

He and Ryan make their way out the door.

"He commits." Brendon steps over Dean on his way back to the suite. "I'll give him that much."

"He does," I say.

"Good luck." He moves into his suite. "Let me know if you need any help."

"Thanks." It's just me and Dean now.

Well, and Emma.