Dad jumps in. "Does this guy treat you well?"


"Bad answer." He shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter. He's basically my boss." If I accept his offer, he'll actually be my boss.

"Your mother was my boss," Dad says.

"That's different. No one will think a woman is sexually harassing her subordinate."

Dad's smile gets wicked.


He looks to me. "Would I like him?"


Gia laughs. "Chloe is finally hitting her rebellious phase." She looks at my black tank top. The tattoo on my shoulder. The short haircut. "Well. With guys." She smiles knowingly. "Is he all inked up?"

For a tattoo artist, Dean is pretty light on the ink. But for a normal guy? "Of course."

"Oooh. Hot." She makes a show of fanning herself. "Is he hot?"

"He's attractive, yes."

"Let's see. I can't believe I haven't done this." She pulls out her phone. Taps the screen a few times.

I move around the table.


She's looking at the shop's Instagram.

The first few pictures are finished tattoos. But then—

"Oh my God." Her hand goes to her mouth. Her eyes go wide. "That's Dean."

"Is it?" I play dumb.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It didn't come up," I lie.

"You still like him?"

"It's not a still. I didn't spend the last seven years thinking about him."

"I can't believe… Oh my God. You do."

"Who's Dean?" Dad jumps in.

"This guy from our high school," she says. "He was… "

I find a euphemism. "Casual with his body."

"Huh?" Dad's brow furrows with confusion.