I try to find the right response. Something flirty. Something that says yes, I want you.

But it's too late.

The door is opening.

Someone is stepping inside.

A tall guy with gorgeous blue eyes.

Like Dean’s, only deeper. Stiller.

He’s familiar. And serious. It’s all over his strong posture, his furrowed brow, his hal

f-hearted attempt at a smile.

There’s something weighing on this guy.

Something big.

Maybe he’s also finding out his fate tomorrow.

Maybe he’s as fucked as I am.

Dean turns to the guy. “About time you showed up.” He greets the guy with a high-five.

The broody guy nods a hello to Dean. Then to me.

That’s familiar too.

But different somehow.

Dean introduces us. “Chloe, you know Hunter.”

Oh. Hunter. He went to our high school. Hung out with Dean. Slept with all the pretty cheerleaders. And the band geeks. And the nerds.

He had a reputation for sneaking Jim Beam into parties and spiking the punch at Prom.

And, well, for being… casual with his body.

He was never as easy, breezy as Dean, but he wasn’t all quiet and tortured either.

This is… different.

He looks older. Not wrinkled or worn. More battle-scared.

Like he’s wiser.

Like his last seven years were as brutal as mine.

And, hey, maybe they were.

Tattooed manwhores go through shit too.

There’s something about the hurt in his eyes.

Or maybe that’s more his broad shoulders and strong arms.

If things were different, if I was a normal girl with a normal body, if my only concern was getting over my boss…