Sheer willpower is still my only technique for resisting her.

Part of me hopes she hates me for this move thing.

It will be easier to stay away if she isn't looking up at me with those sweet green eyes.

Giggling as she rests her head on my shoulder. How can you like action movies when you hate "sell out music"? Is anything more by the numbers than yet another Die Hard sequel?

Better to get this over with.

I pull out my cell and I text Kaylee.

Brendon: You okay?

Kaylee: About what you'd expect.

Brendon: I'm getting a key made for you. I'll leave it at the front desk. You can pick it up whenever.

Kaylee: Thanks. I'll stop by before work.

Brendon: You want to talk about it?

Kaylee: What's there to say? My parents are moving across the country and they aren't asking my opinion about it. I hated it when I was ten, and I hate it now. At least then they invited me to join.

Brendon: Would you move with them if they'd asked?

Kaylee: I don't see how it matters.

Brendon: Your grandma okay?

Kaylee: No. But I'm not in the loop with the details. I have no idea if she has a few weeks left or a few years.

Brendon: I'm sorry she's sick.

Kaylee: Thanks. This isn't on you. You made a generous offer. I do get that. And I appreciate it. Really, Brendon. I do.

Brendon: It's nothing.

Kaylee: It's a lot. I just...

Brendon: Wanted to be consulted?

Kaylee: Want things to be different. But that too. I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow.

Brendon: Sweet dreams, Kay.

Kaylee: You too.

Chapter 5


The bell rings as Kaylee steps inside the shop.

She's in her work outfit—dark jeans, a black button up shirt, black non-skid shoes.

She hugs her pink purse to her shoulder as her eyes flit around the room.

Ryan nods hello. Runs a hand through his shaggy brown hair.