Her lips purse. “No. It’s not because he’s more attractive than you. He’s not.”

There’s no victory in her admission.

Only another twist of the knife in my gut.

“He’s not better in bed. He’s not blessed with a bigger cock. Or more stamina.”

“Then what—”

“He talks to me.”

“I talked to you.”

“When we were kids, yeah. But one day, you stopped. I still remember it. I still remember coming home to you with this glum look on your face, asking you what was wrong, and getting nothing.”

I shake my head.

I offered her everything I had.


And it wasn’t enough.

I always suspected that, but now I know for sure.

“He listened. He cared. He didn’t stare at me like I was the enemy for taking the job my dad offered,” she says. “He didn’t expect anything of me.”

“I only wanted the best for you.”

“Your best.”

“No. Our best. What we both agreed on—”

Regret streaks her honey eyes. “I’m not here to fight.”

“Then why’d you pick one?”

“I just want to know you’re okay.”

No. I’m not okay. But fuck her for asking.

For caring.

For looking at the cracks.

Her lip corners turn down.

Her eyes fill with frustration.

Her perfect posture slumps.

She’s miserable.

And there’s still a part of me that wants to promise her it’s going to be okay.

Chapter 16
