“You must drink it ten times a day when you’re at Walker’s.”

“They don’t have cold brew.” She shakes her head. “But if I really want something hot, it’s great.”

“You have one?” I ask him.

“In the car. It’s yours if you want it,” he says.

“Generous too.” She stares into Ryan’s eyes. “You’re already a model boyfriend.”

“Thanks.” He shifts his weight to his other foot. “How’s school?”

“It’s July,” she says.


“Internship. It’s good.”

“You and Walker?”

Iris lets out a dreamy sigh. She presses her hands together. Looks at the plain white ceiling like it’s a sky full of stars.

“You really do have the obnoxious happiness down pat,” I say.

“Thank you.” She smiles. “You try it. Leighton first.” She turns to me. “How are you and Ryan?”

I let my head fill with beautiful mental images—the two of us walking along the beach on a starry night, his hands around my waist, his lips on my neck, his words in my ear. I need you more than I’ve ever needed anything.

My hand goes to my heart.

My lips part with a sigh.

“Amazing.” My gaze goes to Ryan. To his piercing blue eyes, his long wavy hair, his soft lips. I get nearly two months of this. How can I turn that down?

“You go, Ryan.” Iris nods to Ryan. “How’s everything with Leighton?”

“Good.” His voice is less dreamy. More awkward. He looks to her.

She shakes her head. “Try again.”

He turns back to me. Shrugs his shoulders. Slides a hand into his pocket.

His lips curl into a half smile. “Shit with Leigh is perfect.” He stares into my eyes. “She’s the sun in my sky.”

My cheeks flush.

“The silver lining on a rain cloud.” He moves closer. His hand skims my hip. “She’s everything.”

I stare up into his eyes.

I get lost in those beautiful eyes.

He leans in like he’s going to kiss me.

Moves closer.


“Ahem. Let’s try another.” Iris shoots me a be careful look.