“He’s working until four.”

“Oh.” I move past her. Sit at my desk. Pretend as if I’m fascinated by re-applying my lipstick.

She stays behind me.

Continues staring.

Finally, I break. “You’re right. This might ruin everything. But it might cure him of his tunnel vision too. And I have to try.”

“What if he falls for someone else?”

“I can live with that.”


No. But he won’t.

The doorbell’s ring cuts through my thoughts.

“That’s him.” I push myself to my feet. “I already promised. And I want to do this. Even with all I’m risking.”

Her sigh is soft. “Call me if… if you need to talk. No matter what time it is. Promise?”

“I promise.” I move to the door. Pull it open for Ryan.

He’s standing there in his usual outfit. Snug black t-shirt. Snug black jeans. Black on black converse. Black Wayfarers.

His fingers brush mine as he hands me a takeout cup. “French roast.”

“Thank you.” Warmth spreads through me as I take a sip.

It’s perfect. Just enough half-and-half, just enough sugar.

I take another sip. Let it warm my throat. Jump start my thoughts. “Come in. Iris stopped by to…” Talk me out of this. “To say hi.”

“No,” he says.

“No?” What the hell?

The apartment dims as he pushes the door closed.

It brightens as he slides off his sunglasses.

God, those blue eyes…

“I asked her to come.” Ryan nods hello to Iris. “To help us practice.”

“Oh.” I shoot my friend a how could you glare. “She didn’t mention that.”

“You know how it is? Sometimes, important details slip your mind.” She shrugs and shoots back the same glare.

“Yeah.” Ryan runs his hand through his wavy hair. He looks to me. “I guess we should try this out.”

“We have time to chat.” She looks to me and raises a brow then turns to Ryan. “You brought Leighton coffee. That’s sweet.”

“She always forgets to make it,” he says.

“This is that Philz place.” She stares at my brown cup. “That’s primo stuff.”