Leighton’s still shaking her head at Dean.

Still smiling at his crude advances.

Not that I can talk.

I said a lot dirtier shit to Penny.

But Leighton claims she finds Dean repulsive.

Is she sparing my feelings?

Worried I’ll buy into that blood is thicker than water bullshit and rat her out to my brother?

It has to be him.

It’s the only thing that makes sense.

The bell rings as the door swings open. A short woman with long hair steps inside. She looks to Dean, who’s still kneeling on the floor, and laughs. “You’re always in a compromising position.”

He jumps to his feet. “Sounds like an invitation.”

She laughs.

He motions to his suite, then follows her into it.

Leighton’s eyes find mine. Her cheeks stay pink. Her smile stays wide.

“Sorry you got cunt-blocked.” I try to unpeel my shoulders from my ears, but it’s a struggle.

She sticks her tongue out in disgust. “Ew.”

“You don’t have to bullshit me.”

“No. It’s…” She presses her fingers to the counter. Stares at her black fingernails. “I’m your girlfriend. There’s not gonna be anyone else.”

“If you’re into him—”

“I’m not.”

“I won’t tell him.”

“I know. It’s someone else.” There’s something in her eyes. She’s hiding something.

It must be her lust for Dean.

What the fuck else could it be?

She picks up my cell—it’s still sitting on the counter. “You mind?”

“It’s got a password.”

“I know it.”

I arch a brow.

“Sorry. I spy.” She punches in the code—the date we officially bought the shop—unlocks my phone, and pulls up Penny’s texts.

She taps a reply.