Today, it’s making my jaw crick.

My fingers curl into fists. Words form on my tongue. Keep your eyes to yourself, asshole.

As far as clients go, this guy is great. Receptive to my ideas. Honest when he needs a break. Good at keeping still.

But I want to deck the motherfucker and tell him to keep his money.

He could be the guy who has Leighton’s heart.

It could be anyone.

Fuck, she looks good today. Hot pink sundress with a black dinosaur print. Lacy black bra peeking out from the neckline. Purple hair in that perfect straight line.

Purple makeup bringing out the green in her eyes.

Berry lips drawing every ounce of my attention.

The guy chuckles at some compliment. “Me too.” He pushes his shirt up his shoulder, showing off his now finished sleeve.

Leighton giggles. Leans in to whisper in his ear.


nbsp; He nods. Scribbles a tip. Signs on the dotted line. Writes something below it.

His phone number.

I bite my tongue.

This is part of her job.

She’s better than it. But we all have to stoop to shitty stuff sometimes. It’s part of making ends meet.

No matter how badly I want to punch this asshole, I’m not going to steal her tip money.

The customer turns back to me. He offers his hand. “Thanks, dude. It’s perfect.”

I shake. Nod no problem.

He leans in to whisper. “Put in a good word for me with the babe with purple hair.”



“She’s my girl.” The words are unpracticed. But they’re easy on my tongue. Natural.

“Fuck. Really?”


“Didn’t realize.” He shrugs at me. “Sorry.”

She smiles that wide nothing is a problem customer service smile. “Keep it our secret.” She winks.

His chuckle is nervous. “Forgive me enough to do my next one?”
