Ryan pulls down his tray table. Arranges everything then hands over my water.

The flight attendant moves onto the next row.

“Would you?” I ask.

“Would I what?”

I motion to her.

“If I don’t want lap dances from strippers, you really think I want a one-night stand with a stranger?”

“It sounds so reasonable when you explain it.”

“It is reasonable.”

“So you say.” I wrap my fingers around my water. Take a long sip. “We have all day today.”

He nods.

“And tomorrow.”

“Most of Saturday. Until the rehearsal dinner.”

My stomach twists. Reality is ugly. It’s much better hanging out in some fantasy world where Ryan and I are going to Hawaii to celebrate how much we enjoy fucking each other.

“We can skip it.”

I shake my head.

“We can skip the fucking wedding if you want.”

“No.” I can handle it. In theory. “Your parents will be there.”


“They hate me already.”

He brings his plastic cup to his lips. Takes a long sip of his ice water. “They’ll love you.”

“You sure?”

“When they see how happy you make me, yeah.”

My lips curl into a smile. “You really think that?”

“Of course.” He downs the last drop from his cup. Pops an ice cube in his mouth and sucks hard. It muffles his words. “You’re my silver lining, Leigh.”

I stare into his piercing blue eyes.

I want to believe him.

I really, really want to believe him.

My water fails to wash away my worries. The vodka is right there, all shiny and clear and inhibition erasing.

I can’t think about this.

Not anymore.