“All you’re gonna do is prove you care enough about her opinion to drop two grand on plane tickets and a hotel in Maui.”

Penny’s getting married.

And Ryan’s going.

What the hell is he doing going to his ex’s wedding?

And what the hell is he do

ing telling Dean instead of me?

Ryan’s black-on-black Converse squeak against the hardwood floor as he takes a step toward the counter.

Dean shakes his head what the hell is wrong with this guy. “If you show up single, she’ll think you’re a loser.”

“He’s right.” The words tumble from my lips. So much for pretending I’m not eavesdropping. But this is my business. Ryan is my best friend. I care about him more than anyone does.

Ryan shakes his head kids today. “I’m not showing up single.”

Dean laughs. “You didn’t—”

Ryan turns back to him. “I’m still not interested in your opinion.”

“Yeah. You are.” Dean shakes his head you’re an idiot for this. “Or you wouldn’t have brought it up.”

“I was letting you know my schedule.” Ryan slides his hand into the front pocket of his black skinny jeans.

“It’s sweet. You care.” Dean presses his hands to his heart—he’s the opposite of Ryan, in his bright blue t-shirt, light jeans, and navy and white checkered Vans—and feigns catching a hug. “You can admit it.”

“Right back at you,” Ryan says.

I laugh. “He’s got you there.”

“Love you too, babe.” Dean blows me a kiss. He laughs as he turns to Ryan. “Have I ever told you not to do something?”

“Well…” Ryan brushes another wavy lock behind his ear. Again, it fails to stay in place. It falls to his cheek. Frames his blue eyes in a perfect shade of brown. “She thinks I’m never gonna move on.”

“You aren’t,” Dean says.

“Fuck off.” Ryan moves forwards. Until he’s only a few feet away.

His eyes find mine.

They fill with vulnerability. Then he blinks, and his expression is steel again.

“You really told her you’re bringing someone?” Dean asks.

Ryan’s shoulders climb to his ears. “Not someone.” He tries to keep his voice even, but he doesn’t quite get there. “My girlfriend.”

Dean shakes his head harder. Fuck, you’re stupid. “You don’t even look at chicks. Where are you gonna find a girlfriend?”

“I’ll do it.” Words leap from my throat.

I do nothing to stop them.

I’m powerless to stop them.

This is crazy. But it’s also perfect.