This is the worst idea in the history of the world.

Leighton is my best friend. My subordinate.

My girlfriend.

That’s the story we’re selling. To our co-workers. To our friends. To everyone who’s anticipating the breakdown of the year at my ex’s wedding.

It’s a terrible idea.This ruse is going to f*ck shit up. Losing her is out of the question.

Touching her is all kinds of wrong.

And right deep in my bones.

Then Leighton slides her hands into my hair and presses her berry lips to mine.

And all that wrong fades to right.

I stop pretending.

I forget about the woman who broke my heart. I forget about our rules. I forget I’ll be lost without her.

I kiss her back like I’ll never get enough.

I won’t.

But I can’t risk losing my best friend.

Even if she’s the woman who might finally unlock my heart.

Chapter 1


She cuts through my bullshit with six words. “You need to kiss me now.”

My body takes over. My eyelids flutter closed. My fingers dig into her soft hips.

I pull her closer. Let my lips brush hers.

It’s soft. Slow. Sweet.

Then it’s harder.

She tugs at my hair.

I pin her to the wall.

My head spins.

She wants me.

It makes no sense.

And it makes every lick of sense in the world.

She sighs as she pulls back. “Inside. Now.”

I shift my hips to release her.

Her ass brushes my crotch as she presses the door open and steps inside.

I follow. Lock the door behind us.

Her eyes find mine.

They beg for love, trust, satisfaction.

I still don’t know shit about the first two.

But I can make her come.

I need to make her come.


Chapter 2


Four Weeks Ago

My keys clink against the plastic table.

It’s too quiet today.

Way too fucking quiet.

I tug at my t-shirt. Close my eyes. Let my thoughts drift back to the way this place used to be. The mass-produced paintings on the walls, the carefully arranged photos on the fridge, the decorative pillows on the leather couch.

I should have known shit was gonna end like this the second she brought home one of those pillows.

That was the type of thing we hated. The type of thing we mocked together.

No. I’m not doing this. Not tonight.

Not ever.

She’s gone. And I’m going to get over it.

One day.