"Yeah. I... I was jealous of you, I guess. That you were getting more of her. I just... You've both been spending so much time together. And then you both lied to me about it. It hurt. But now that I step back from that. I think you're good together."

What? I blink a dozen times.

"Don't give me that look, Brendon. You must see it. She's happy around you. And you—you're normally trying to audition to play Jess on some Gilmore Girls reboot."


"Oh my God, everyone knows Gilmore Girls! You watched it over my shoulder."

I shake my head. I vaguely remember the mom and daughter eating a lot of junk food, but that's it.

"You sit around with your sketchbook like it's the only thing that gets your pain. But that isn't true. Kay does. I don't know what you tell her, but you're different around her too. You're happy. And, no offense, but you're usually miserable enough you're annoying to be around. I mean, I still love you, but it can be a drag."

"No offense though?"

She laughs. "Yeah. Of course not. I mean, you're no Ryan, but you were kinda on your way there. The last six months at least. And Kay... I'm just glad she has someone to help her right now. Well. That she did. But if you're breaking up with her for her then you're a fucking idiot. Who takes advice from their eighteen-year-old sister?"

I can't help but laugh. "You're wiser than you think."

"Well, yeah, if you need some help with your makeup or wardrobe. We have some great skinny jeans on sale. If you want a new pair, I can help with that. With Kay—"

"You know you're giving me advice right now."

"Okay. Let's say I'm wise. You should listen to me."

Yeah. I'm pretty sure I should.

Emma pulls out her cell. "Did you get this?"

It's a text from Kaylee's mom.

Mrs. Hart: Kaylee is going to be staying with us for a few extra days. She's doing okay. I'm sure she'd appreciate a call from you, Emma. I'm not sure she's in a place to reach out.

"It sounds bad." Emma's gaze goes to her screen. "I called a bunch, but she didn't pick up."

"It's late on the East Coast."

"You think it's bad news with her grandma?"

"Hard to say." But probably.

"We should be there. Shouldn't we?" Emma pushes her door wide open and steps into her room. She goes straight to her laptop. "I looked at tickets. And I talked to my manager. We could leave tomorrow night. Get in first thing in the morning. Or... well... if you really don't want to be with Kay, then you probably shouldn't come."

No shit. I nod.

"So, what's it going to be? Are you coming or not?"

Chapter Fifty-Three


I spend the entire day in Grandma's hospital room, talking about everything and nothing. Mom gives me the morning with Grandma. She joins me in the afternoon. We share stories and they team up to give me life advice.

Grandma stays quiet about things with Brendon. But I know Mom is going to find out. And that's going to be the end of me living at his place.

Not that I could live there with things as they are.

I... I'll just have to work more. Take out another student loan. Commute a little farther.