That's a strong possibility. Brendon doesn't want complicated. And I'm complicated. This whole situation is hopelessly complicated. "I'll figure it out."

"You have somewhere to stay if you need to?"

"Why would I?"

"You never know with men."

"I know."

"You have a place or not?"

"Yeah." Ryan, Dean, and Walker have all made blanket you can crash at my place anytime offers. And plenty of my coworkers like me enough to offer their couch. "I have places."

"Good. Then tell me more about the boy."

"After you help me pick a weekend to visit. The prices are crazy for the next two weeks. But all the weekends after are good. All the way until Thanksgiving. And after. But you won't talk me out of coming before Thanksgiving."

"You should be focusing on school."

"It's a weekend."

She lets out a soft sigh. "It's too expensive."

"It's only a few hundred dollars. I have money saved."

She's quiet for a minute. "Anytime is fine."

"You sure?"


I look to my computer screen. There are a million options. I find the soonest one that doesn't cost a fortune. It leaves on a Friday morning. The Friday morning after that concert.

I'll be tired at the airport, but that's all the better for sleeping on the plane.

"You think Mom can pick me up from Newark?" I fill in the form. Name. Address. Credit card.

"You're telling her about this?"

"I guess so." Mom has been arguing I shouldn't come. Grandma too. It doesn't make sense. At all. But I can't piece things together from voice alone. I need to look them in the eyes. I need to see for myself. And I will. I'll know in two and a half weeks. "There. I did it. I'll forward you the itinerary."

"Sure. Now tell me more about the guy."

"You know everything about him."

"I know he's tall and hot. That's it."

"He's quiet. Usually, with other people, he's more to himself. But when he's with me, he laughs. And when he smiles... it's like the clouds part and the birds sing. He has the most beautiful smile."

"You're smitten."

"I know. He... he's everything." I get caught up in my gushing. And, for a while, I forget why I'm flying back to Jersey.

I forget that Grandma is sick.

That she won't tell me how sick.

I forget that everything isn't going to be okay.