Walker shrugs.

"And when you two start fighting," Leighton goes on. "That's gold."

Everyone nods. Except Kay and Em. They're too busy trading whispers.

Kaylee shakes her head. Stands. "Excuse me. I need to make a call." Her eyes catch mine as she makes her way to the door.

Walker chuckles. "You still repulse her."

"Nah. She just doesn't want you to know the truth," he says.

Ryan bursts into a fit of laughter.

Leighton too.

"You remember that guy who came in yesterday? The one who hadn't showered in weeks?" Walker asks.

"Yeah?" Dean arches a brow.

"You're more repulsive than he is."

"Wanna bet?"

"Fuck yeah. Find him."

"A hundred bucks says she'd rather fuck me."

"I'll take that," Leighton says.

Dean flips her off.

Fuck, these guys are assholes.

Kaylee's feelings are a joke to them.

It's not like I can talk. I'm the one that started this bullshit.

But I've had enough.

"I gotta piss." I push myself to my feet. Do my best not to storm out of the room.

Fucking Dean.

Bane of my fucking existence.

I try to shake it off. This shit isn't his fault. It's mine.

But that knowledge does nothing to untangle the knot in my gut.

Where the hell is she?

Nowhere in this hallway. Or the next.

I move through the lobby. Step outside.

She's not out front. Not anywhere outside the stores of this strip mall.

Fuck, I'm going to hit something. Or someone.