"Really? After this? You wouldn't leave right now?"

Of course I would. "If you want to know, ask."

"No. We're here. I should—"

"You like surfing."


"You love it."

"I admit nothing."

"You love hanging out with me."

She turns toward me. Her lips press into a smile. "Possibly. You're cocky."

"You're adorable."

She presses herself onto her elbow. The water rocks her back and forth. "What did I do?"

"Just your smile."

"That's all it takes?"

"Yeah." I've got it bad. It's like a sickness, but I don't want the cure.

She stares into my eyes. She's seeing something, working something out.

But I have no idea what it is.

"You feeling better?" I tread water. It's what I've been doing the last few years. Staying in place.

It's been good. Comfortable.

But I'm done with that phase.

I want to move forward. To her. With her.

"I'll get there eventually." She rolls onto her stomach. "You look cute contemplative."

"Right back at you."

"You know, we still haven't gone bareback."

It's a good thing this water is so fucking cold or I'd already be hard. "You derailed that last time."

She smiles. "You complaining?"

"Fuck no."

"'Cause I can never—"

"Fuck no."

She smiles, victorious.

"I thought you were here to surf."