Page 23 of One Intimate Night

Obviously it would be much easier for him to keep her warm with his own body heat if she wrapped her arms around him, and she could quite understand why it was necessary for him to run his hands up and down the length of her naked back. Their touch was deliciously warm—and the things it did to her spine and her nerve-endings...! Heavens, she had had no idea that her flesh could be so extraordinarily sensitive, and if the way he was kissing that small, pulsing cord in the side of her neck was perhaps just a little unorthodox, well, it was still having the most deliciously pleasurable effect on her senses, which surely was far more restorative than had he adopted a more traditional means of warming her—such as proffering a hot-water bottle or a heated blanket.

Thinking of hot-water bottles and heated blankets inexplicably reminded Georgia of the fact that the bed was right there, only inches away from them, and inexplicably she had the oddest need to lie down on it. Probably because she was feeling so light-headed and weak, she told herself.

Through the fine softness of Piers’s shirt Georgia could feel the heavenly warmth of his chest, and when she opened her eyes she could see the soft darkness of his body hair. A thrill of sensation ran right through her, a shocking female awareness of Piers’s maleness; her fingers itched to stroke their way through that inviting silkiness and to explore the flesh that lay beneath it. A hundred unfamiliar and highly erotic impulses flashed their tantalising messages to Georgia’s senses, flattening immediately the tentative and semi-shocked resistance her brain put up to the wantonness of such thoughts.

Weakly Georgia told herself that it was the very unfamiliarity of such thoughts that made her feel so vulnerable towards them, so unable to deny or reject their provocative allure. The temptation to unfasten just one of the buttons on Piers’s shirt, just to see if actually touching him would prove to be as deliciously erotic as she imagined, was proving impossible to resist. Just one button, she promised herself, that was all, but as her mouth meshed with Piers’s responding to and returning the increasing passion of his kiss, ‘just one’ became two, and then three, and then, before she knew it, Piers was murmuring to her that he wanted her to take his shirt off completely. What was more, he was helping her to do so. And then, blissfully, the hard, naked warmth of his upper body was hers to touch and explore.

Vaguely Georgia was aware of how odd it was that she should want to touch Piers like this when she had never once felt even remotely tempted to explore or caress her first lover in the same almost frenziedly hungry way, but she dismissed the thought as an unnecessary and unwanted distraction from what she was doing. The silky arrowing of Piers’s hair ran right down the centre of his chest—and lower—and Georgia’s fingertips followed it all the way to where his belt obstructed her progress.

She heard Piers catch his breath as she stopped, lifting his mouth from hers whilst he looked deep into her eyes.

Georgia held her breath, conscious of the solemnity of the moment, and then, as Piers lifted his hand to touch her face, she saw his gaze drop to her naked breasts and stay there.

Very gently he reached out and touched her, his fingertips just stroking the merest feathering of touches along the outer curve of her breast.

Immediately Georgia gave an involuntary shiver of sensual reaction, her nipples thrusting eagerly into dark, excited peaks. Just the thought of Piers’s hands cupping her naked breasts made her shudder voluptuously, but when he did so the pleasure she had imagined came nowhere near matching the real thing, and Georgia made a small soft sound of pleasure as he started to caress her.

When he picked her up and laid her gently on the bed she watched him, liquid-eyed, whilst he leaned over her, silently spanning her small waist with his hands before lifting his head to look into her eyes.

He wanted to touch and memorise every delicious curve of her, Piers decided as he felt the tiny responsive nerves jumping beneath Georgia’s skin. Just the sight and scent of her aroused him to the point where... And as for that soft, liquid, melting look he could see in her eyes...

Reaching for her hand, he took hold of it in his and lifted it palm upwards to his mouth, slowly kissing the sensitive flesh of her palm and watching her reaction darken her eyes at the same time as he felt the responsive shudder go though her. And then, still holding her hand, he placed it on the fastening of his belt, holding it there as he leaned over and slowly kissed first her mouth, and then the dark points of each breast in turn, once, and then a second time and then a third.

As she felt Piers’s mouth caressing her nipples Georgia cried out softly, unable to control her response, her fingers curling into the buckle of his belt. His hand was caressing the bare flesh of her hip and Georgia could feel the tiny quivers of sensation running like quicksilver inside her body, starting to gather, to coalesce, into a torrent which she knew instinctively would totally sweep her away.