Joel slides his arm around me. "My wife prefers the rhythm section."

Ethan looks to me and cocks a brow. "Is that right?"

"I prefer the audience section," I say.

Ethan laughs. "Nothing wrong with that." He brushes a dark lock from his blue eyes. "Joel treating you well?"

"He is my husband." It's not an answer, but I don't feel compelled to share my personal life with anyone. Even one of Joel's friends.

His expression shifts to something playful. "If he gives you too much shit, call me. I'll talk to him."

"Will you?" I ask.

"I can't promise he'll listen. But you must know how hard his head is by now," Ethan says.

"Not just my head, Strong." Joel winks.

I shake my head. "That was bad. You're off your game."

"Angel, you're brutal." Joel slides his arms around my waist and pulls me into a slow, deep kiss.

Thoughts flee my head at an alarming rate. I don't care why we're here.

I don't care what he expects of me.

I don't care that this is ending soon.

I need his body against mine.

I need him.


He pulls back with a smile.

My expression is needy. Desperate even.

Ethan motions to Joel then to the stage. "Kit's not going to be here until showtime. You're up."

"Duty calls." Joel takes my hand and leads me to the stage.

We go up the stairs on its right. It's smaller than I expected. Actually, the entire venue is smaller than I expected. Everything Anne has told me about Dangerous Noise shows suggests they usually play to a much bigger crowd.

"This venue is smaller than normal?" I ask.

Joel nods. He takes his seat at the drum kit in the middle of the stage. His eyes meet mine. "Mal orchestrated the whole thing so Kit and Ethan could meet you."

"Is that why I feel like an exhibit at the zoo?"

"That's probably everyone checking your tits."

I motion to my baggy sweater.

"In this outfit?"

Joel's smile spreads over his cheeks. "Even in that outfit, I can tell they're fucking nice. Then there's your ass in those tight jeans."

My cheeks flush.