This is all either one of us is getting.

I lean down and brush my lips against hers. She tastes good. And the way she moans into my mouth—

Fuck, I want every inch of her.

But there's something about stopping at a good night kiss.

It's intimate in a way an easy fuck isn't.

I wait until her eyes flutter closed again then I go back to the main room.

My cock is not happy at this course of events. I could easily take the edge off, but I want to wait to come with her.

I entertain myself by channel surfing.

Law and Order.


I get lost in the show for a while. The grey-haired detective is making a wisecrack when my phone rings.

It's Daphne.

I bite my tongue. I shouldn't ignore my sister's calls, but I'm not sure I can put on a happy face about this divorce shit.

I let it go to voicemail.

She calls again.


I bring the phone to my ear. "Yes?"

"Nice to talk to you too, Joel."

Okay, I won't snap. "I'm kinda busy. I don't have time to chat."

"I know Mom called you. I saw her talking to you earlier."

I tap my fingers against the back of my cell. I like my parents. I like my whole fucking family. I don't mind being the person everyone calls when they need cheering up. But I can't do it right now. I can't pretend I'm okay with all this. "They made the announcements. They have the divorce party planned for tomorrow. It sounds like everything is on track." This is about as much of this conversation as I can tolerate.

"Mom is… she needs you here. You're her funny little man. Nobody else can make her smile."

I know that. It fucking killed me talking with Mom, hearing that please, Joel, please laugh this off so I can laugh it off too tone to her voice, and not being able to deliver. It's still killing me. "I'll make her smile another time."

She sighs. "Promise you'll call Mom tomorrow."

"Yeah, but if she asks what I think about this—"

"Change the subject. You're good at that. Like when I ask if you're dating anyone—"

"I got the point."

"And promise you'll call Dad."

"If you promise not to say the word divorce to me again for a while."

"Okay. Thanks, Joel. Love you."