The tension in my chest eases. Joel isn't sharing his secrets with me, but I believe that we're going to be honest.

Even if only for this one week.

My eyes meet Joel's. "The balcony is a seduction move?"

"I don't have moves. I do what I feel in the moment."

"But it happens a lot?"

"You could say that."

"This is a strange seduction."

He cocks a brow. "You wouldn't fuck me right now if I asked?"

"Well, yes."

He laughs.

"In my defense, you're incredibly hot."

His laugh lights up his eyes. Not like the light bulb. Not like he's on. That's real joy in his eyes. "You forgot charming."

"And humble."


"You're not that rich."

"Fuck, you're cold, Bella. You know that?"

I nod.

"How rich does a guy have to be to impress you?"

"How rich are you?"

"Not rich enough, apparently."

I look to my engagement ring. I'm not sure about that. "I don't care about money either. I know that's easy to say when you have it, but—"

"You still want to feel self-reliant?"

I nod. My lips press together. "So how rich are you?"

"'Cause you don't care?"

"For the record."

"That's bullshit."

True. Again, I move closer. "I'm curious."

"Less bullshit." His lips curl into a smile. "Three million. Maybe four."

"Oh." That is a lot. And that's a lot of maybe. I can't imagine maybe having an extra million dollars hanging around.

"It's contract shit. We hit all our maximums on our last tour, so we got an extra payout. New album drops in January, then we're touring to support it in March. We're opening for a huge fucking band, Wicked Beat. We're going to be selling out stadiums for all twenty-five dates."