I keep my eyes closed as he guides my movements. Damn, his body feels good against mine. It's comforting in this way nothing else is.

I like the song, but it's not what's making an impression.

Joel's arms around me—

His chest against mine—

His breath warm against my ear—

That's better than any song I've ever heard.

The record shifts to the next song. It's another pop number, but it doesn't have the same beat.

"Here." He places his hands back on my hips and guides them to the beat.

I blink my eyes open to stare back at him.

His green eyes fix on mine.

He really has beautiful eyes.

He's close enough to kiss me.

I really want him kissing me.

I want his lips on mine so badly I'm shaking with desire.

But there's this sound. Not the song. Something else.

And a buzz against my thigh.

Joel takes a step backwards. His brow furrows. "Fuck, that's—" He pulls out his cell. "That's my mom. I have to take this."

"Oh. Do you think she saw the gossip?"

He shakes his head. "Probably not. It's… something else."

"Something important."

"Yeah." His posture stiffens. He motions to the balcony. "It might be a while. Make yourself comfortable."

"Yeah, sure."

I watch him go out to the balcony.

He's on a call with his mom.

And h

e doesn't want me to know what they're discussing.

I hate that he's locking me out. Even if I'm the one insisting on divorce.

But Joel… I mean, we had a lot of fun last night, but he didn't exactly fight me on the divorce thing. He must want that too.

Then, he must realize we only have a week too.

He has every right to protect his heart.