"If that's what you want." I lean against the wall, copying her posture. I cock a brow. I don't do pick up lines, but I've got a fierce urge to wipe the frown off her face. I can make an exception.

She looks at me, waiting. "Well…"

I give her a long, slow once over. Her brown eyes are dotted with flecks of honey. Her red lips are full and thick. That black dress is tight around her curvy body. And those tits. Nice, big, real tits…

Fuck, I'm getting distracted.

I stare into her pretty brown eyes as I raise a brow. "Baby, are your legs tired…"

She stares at me as if to say really?

No. Not really. I hold a straight face. "Because those shoes look uncomfortable."

Her nose scrunches as she laughs. It's a quick thing, but it dissolves all the tension in her expression.

Damn, I love the sound of her laugh in my ears. It's not like with the blonde.

It's real.

No pretenses.

No bullshit.

Just her responding to me.

She offers her hand. "I'm Bella."

I shake. Her hand is clammy. She's nervous.

I can help with that.

I lean a little closer. "You want a drink, Bella?"

"Yes, please. Gin and tonic."

I press my palm against the small of her back to lead her to the bar. She looks at me funny for a moment, then her attention goes back to her feet.

She's really fucking nervous.

There's something endearing about that. I usually sleep with women as experienced as I am. This girl, Bella… she's not the one-night stand type.

Which means I get to introduce her to the thrill.

Fuck, I bet I can introduce her to a lot of stuff.

I order our drinks, a gin and tonic for her and a scotch, neat for me. The bartender is quick and he doesn't bring up anything else about the band.

Bella traces the outline of her glass. She gives me a long once-over then her eyes meet mine. "I saw you dancing with that blonde. She was ready to drag you to the bathroom."

"I'm holding out for someone who wants to drag me to the roof."

"It's freezing out."

"That must be why it's taken all night."

Again, she laughs. "Do people really have sex in bathrooms?"

"You're hot, Bella, but I'm not gonna make an exception for you."