But not enough.

I need to ease that tension.

I take her hand and lead her down the hall. "I'm surprised you get any shit about Harry Potter. That's a fucking great series. The way everybody is always riding around on wood."

She laughs. "On brooms?"

"It's all about the power of riding wood."

"Someone should inform J. K. Rowling."

"And the wands? Don't get me started—"

She laughs.

That's better.

I lead her through the casino then to the parking lot.

Thankfully, no one is gawking. No one is here, really.

Even so, Bella's shoulders tense as we cut through the parking lot and climb into the limo.

She lets out a long exhale as the driver closes the limo door.

Now, it's just us in this den of dim lighting and white leather. This is a seriously 80s limo.

Her eyes go to the minibar. "Is there any water in there?"

I check. It's mostly tiny bottles of liquor and cans of soda, but there is water buried at the bottom. I pull out two bottles and hand one to her.

She's still stiff. Frustrated.

I take a seat on the bench perpendicular to hers.

Damn, she really is beautiful. But it's not just her pretty eyes, her soft lips, and her lush tits. There's something about her.

Her eyes go to the window. "You mind if we stop at the next restroom?"

"Sure." I nod to the button for the divider window. "You can order the driver around too." I roll the window down and nod hello to the driver. "Can we get off at the next rest stop?"

"Of course, Mr. Young," he says.

"You're making me feel old," I say.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't feel comfortable calling you Joel," he says.

"How about Your Highness?" I offer.

He chuckles. "I'll consider that, Mr. Young."

I roll the divider up and look back to Bella. Again, she's smiling.

"You're ridiculous. You know that?" she asks.

I'm well aware of that.

Bella practically runs out of the limo. I guess I'll assume she has to pee. I drank enough coffee to feel the same.