"I hear things."

"We're on a break. Tour starts up in two days." I take a step closer. I let my fingers brush against her wrists. It feels impossible but this really is Violet.

She pulls her arms around her chest and rubs her bare arms.

"Here." I slide my leather jacket off my shoulders and offer it to her.

She shakes her head.

"We can stand here arguing all night. I'm not letting you drive anywhere and I'm not leaving you alone. Not today."

She blinks and a tear catches on her lashes. Despite the I hate you, Ethan stare, she takes my jacket.

"I thought you were in school," I say.

"It's spring break."

She looks small in my leather jacket, but she's not small. She's three or four inches shorter than I am. In her heels, Violet is eye to eye with me.

Damn those long legs of hers…

My cock begs me to take over. She's got that look in her eyes. That please fuck me out of my misery look.

Her eyes go to the ground. "Thanks for the jacket. I'll drop it off tomorrow. You staying at your parents' place?"

"Yeah. With Piper."

"I'm going to call a cab." She tugs at her short dress but it does nothing to cover her long legs.

Damn, it's getting hard saying no to the look in her eyes. Come home with me, Vi. I'll wipe every bit of your pain away. I'll make you forget everything but your body for the rest of the night.

That shit can't happen.

I shake my head. "I'll drive you home."

"You're sober?"

"Had one drink."

"Too busy sucking face to down a few shots?"

/> "Don't do shots anymore." Or suck face for that matter.

Her eyes flare with anger. She takes another step backwards. "Go back to your groupie, Ethan. I can get around on my own."

Not like this, she can't. I grab her wrist a little harder than I should. But I'm not letting her leave drunk. "You have two choices. You can stand around with me until you're sober enough I believe you're gonna be okay or you can come with me."

She looks at me like she's looking into my soul. "I don't want to go home."

"Then you can come back to my place. Piper will be jazzed to see you." My little sister adores Violet. I can't remember the last time she went a day without reminding me I made a mistake letting her walk away.

Violet stares at me for a long time. Finally, she nods. "Fine. But I'm not going to make polite conversation."

"How is that different than how things used to be?"

Her lips curl into the world's tiniest smile. It only stays for a moment but it's still the best thing I've felt since that last time I stepped on stage.