What the fuck? I expect this shit from everyone else. I get that it's weird that I love math. Everyone acts like it makes me a freak. Everyone except Ethan.

He gets it.

He always has.

Why isn't he happy for me?

Maybe he's still surprised. Maybe he doesn't realize that this is a beginning and not an ending.

"Things will be the same as they are now. Only I'll be in New York." I stare into his blue eyes. "You can stay with me when you aren't touring. I can fly out on weekends."

His eyes bore into mine. "You already decided?"

What? This is what I want, what I've always wanted. He knows that.

"You're just leaving. Like that?" He takes a step backwards.

"School doesn't start until late August." I… I don't get it. I go to all his shows. I do everything I can to support Ethan's band.

It's not an obligation.

We're a team.

Violet and Ethan against the world. That's our fucking motto.

He's still staring at me like I'm betraying him. "If you want to leave, then leave."

"It's not like that."

"What's it like? You're leaving cause you're so crazy in love with me you need to be three thousand miles away? You've been pushing me away since Asher… you don't want to talk, fine. You don't want to be in the same state as me, fine. Go."

I grab the paper from his hands. "It's not like that, Ethan."

"Then explain what it's like."

"We're a team."

"Teams don't make unilateral decisions." He pulls his door open and takes a step into the hallway. "You've already decided to leave. Why drag it out?"


"If you want to walk away, do it."

His eyes flare with frustration.


This doesn't make any sense.

We need to talk later. We'll have cooler heads. He'll apologize. He'll realize that this is for us.

I grab the paper from him, crumple it, and shove it back in my pocket. "Fine."

"That's it, Vi. You walk out that door, it's over between us."

He stares at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

"Things don't have to change." I stare back at him. "I can still come on tour with you this summer."