This is the first time I've thought about school all morning.

Since I met Joel last night.

I actually did manage to spend the night putting thoughts of my future aside.

I couldn't have done that alone.

I couldn't have done that with anyone but him.



I struggle to smile as I autograph a fan's cell phone case.

Bella isn't here yet.

That isn't a good sign.

"Oh my God, your wedding was beautiful," the fan gushes.

Usually, I enjoy talking to fans. Not so much at the moment. I don't want the reminder that my marriage is all over gossip sites.

Some things should be private.

I shake my shoulders. It does nothing to ease the tension in my upper back.

Okay, time for the nuclear option.

I shoot the fan a panty-melting smile. "It was nice to meet you, honey. But I'm waiting for my wife."

Wrong choice. Her eyes light up. She jumps up and down.

"Really?" Her voice squeaks. "She was so pretty. And I love that she's a normal woman. And not one of those thin super-model types."

I try to stay focused on the task at hand, but my head is filling with memories of Bella's curvy body underneath mine.

Her nails digging into my back.

Her expression filled with pleasure.

Her pretty brown eyes lit up with joy.

Does she really not remember?

I wasn't drinking much more than I normally do, but she was matching me. And she doesn't seem like the work hard, party harder type.

More like the work hard, never party type.

I try to do the math. Five drinks at the first club or was it four, then we shared one of those ridiculous Eiffel Towers filled with vodka slushee. Then champagne to toast our wedding.

What's that? Eight drinks? Ten?

Okay, I can admit ten is a lot.

And I can admit I'm fuzzy on some of last night's details.

That I was joking when I pointed at that Winter Special. Elvis Wedding Package, $200 Off poster and pitched the idea of getting hitched.