I throw my arms around Joel. "This is amazing."

He hugs me back. "It's just the beginning."

He's right. It's just the beginning.

For us, this really could be the beginning.

Thoughts of our relationship fade as I pull Joel into the attraction. No, I refuse to call it the attraction. It's as close to Hogsmead as I'm ever going to get.

I squeeze Joel's hand as I lead him around town. My conscious thoughts fade. My inner fan girl takes over. I squeal over sips of Butterbeer. It takes just like cream soda.

All day, Joel holds me close.

All day, Joel smiles and laughs and gasps with me.

My happiness really is his happiness.

This is perfect.

He's perfect.

We don't leave the park until ten minutes before closing. My muscles are sore and achy. My stomach is stuffed with Harry Potter themed food (not the greatest, really. Theme park British food leaves something to be desired). My mind is full of sights and sounds.

And my heart—

My heart is so full it's ready to burst.

I squeeze Joel's hand as we pull out of the parking lot. He's still smiling wide. He's still looking at me like my happiness is the only thing he needs.

His voice is bright. "You look sharp in that Ravenclaw jersey."

"You think?"

"Blue and nerdy suits you."

"It's not too much?" I'm also sporting a matching scarf. And a track jacket. And a robe. Okay, and a keychain. A wand.

We did the whole, go to Olivander's, let a wand choose you thing.

And it was amazing.

He's been teasing me mercilessly all day, but he's done it in such a loving way. Like he's endeared by my love of Harry Potter. He wants to share it with me.

"I always thought I was a Hufflepuff," I say.

"The nice ones."

"They're also loyal and diligent. And humble." I tug at his scarf. "Not a good fit for you."

"Fuck no." He flips his scarf over his shoulder. "I'm trusting you, that these gold and crimson guys brag the most."

I nod. "You must know Gryffindor. All the characters are in that house."

He smiles. "After today, I'm pretty sure I can ace any Harry Potter trivia quiz. They're the brave ones."

"Yeah. And they're loyal, and blunt, and maybe a little… impulsive."

He laughs. "If the scarf fits…" He turns back to the road.