He smiles with pride.

We turn back to watch Mal's performance. It's every bit as good as Joel's, every bit as sexy as Joel's, but it doesn't affect me the same way.

It doesn't make me shudder with desire.

Joel teases me as the judges deliberate. It takes them forever.

Finally, Ethan stands up on the table. He's holding something up as the prize.

It's a Sinful Serenade CD.

He looks to Mal and Joel. "It was a close call, but the judges have decided that Joel wins this one." He bows to present the CD to Joel.

Joel nods as he takes the CD. "This is my tenth copy, but thank you."

Mal turns to him. "Real stakes this time?"

Joel raises a brow. "Terms?"

"Winner gets to cast the deciding vote on the album name."

Joel looks back to Kit and Ethan. All four of the guys share a look.

They all nod.

r />

"Mal-style heavy breathing?" Joel asks.

"Unless you're afraid of a challenge," Mal teases.

They shake.

Joel's going to pant through another handful of songs.

God help me.



Technically, I lose the Mal-style sing off.

Really, I win by a landslide.

Bella's cheeks are flushed. Her tongue is sliding over her lips. She's pressing her knees together like she can't stand how wet she is.

She's been smiling all night.

Okay. I've paid more attention to the blushing and the groaning and the fuck, I need you, Joel looks.

But I've seen the way her eyes light up when she laughs. Happiness consumes her body the same way despair does. It's in her pretty brown eyes, in her relaxed shoulders, in her slight hip tilt.

I'm still not used to a woman liking me beyond oooh, famous guy or I want to fuck him again. Sure, I'm friends with Piper and Violet. I'm friends with lots of people.

But I'm not used to being in a relationship.

Probably should have thought about that before I got married, but I've never been one to do things in order.