He turns to Mal with a wink. "You can admit defeat right now if you want."

Mal chuckles. He punches a number into the machine and takes the mic.

Joel punches in a few more numbers then he takes a seat on the opposite bench. His eyes catch mine.

I mouth good luck.

He blows me a kiss.

I giggle as I catch it. It's a full-blown schoolgirl giggle. He has that affect on me. He makes me dizzy in the best possible way.

Someone flicks a switch. The lights go off. Then a polyphonic song is filling the room.

The lights flicker on. Then Mal is groaning through the first verse. Somehow, he manages to stretch every other word into a moan. It's incredibly sexy.

I'm not familiar with the original song. I can't say if Mal's version is in any way faithful to the original.

But it is amazing. And incredibly hot.

He groans through the last line of the chorus.

Then through the rest of the song.

When he's done, he shoots Joel a top that look and he hands off the mic.

Joel's eyes meet mine. He raises a brow can I?

I nod. This time, I blow him a kiss.

He mimes catching it and sliding it into his pocket.

God help me, I giggle again.

Joel wraps his hands around the microphone. "This is still for you, angel."

Lyrics to the Rhianna song S&M fill the screen. My cheeks flush.

He keeps his eyes on mine as he sings the first verse. He doesn't stretch every word into a moan the way Mal did. Instead, he bleeds the last word of each line into a long moan.

He moans the melody between the verse and the chorus.

Then he's moaning all through the chorus.

He shifts his hips. He makes eye contact with everyone in the audience.

Joel gets breathy through the verse. He sounds like he's fucking hard and fast. He sounds like he's about to go over the edge.

Then he's moaning through the chorus and I'm on fire. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he was coming, not singing.

I lose track of where we are and what we're doing.

I lose track of everything but the sound of Joel's groans.

He bows as he finishes the song. People are clapping and teasing, saying something about how he does second and third, so it's his turn again.

The screen flashes. Sinful Serenade. No Way in Hell.

This is the song they're both singing.