"Sure. I'll judge. You both annoy the shit out of me, so I'm plenty impartial." Kit winks at Joel.

"That cuts, Lockhart. I think we all know I'm more annoying than Mal," Joel says.

Kit chuckles. "True. But I think you can take it."

"I think we need three rounds," I say. "Each. At a minimum."

"How you doing Bella?" Kit asks.

"Good." I smile back. "I'm just concerned about fair play."

"Uh-huh," Kit says.

Everyone else shoots me the same not buying that look.

"We have a set of rules for this, angel." He motions for me to sit.

I do.

He sits next to me. "We each pick one song, any song. Then we both do the same song. Then the judges deliberate and crown a winner." He turns to Piper. "We need three judges, in case there's a tie."

"Vi and Ethan can do it," she says. "I think Violet is equally uninterested in the two of you."

"Baby, that's cold." Kit wraps his arms around her. "I like it."

"It's true." She turns to me. "I don't want to judge. I want to sit with Bella and throw shade."

"As long as you don't throw it at my husband." Warmth fills my stomach. I really like thinking of Joel as my husband.

I really want him to stay my husband.

I'm still lost in thoughts of forever, mostly oblivious to Mal and Joel's trash talk when Ethan and Violet step inside. They have a just fucked look about them. His dark hair is in messy waves. Her short, blunt bob is in disarray. Her dark makeup is smudged. Her dress is sticking to her thigh-high tights.

"Told you." Joel motions to Piper.

She sticks out her tongue.

He laughs.

She flips him off.

Ethan shrugs. He turns to me with a smile. "Keeping Joel on his toes?"

"Of course." I smile back. "Have a fulfilling start to your evening?"

He chuckles.

Violet blushes. "Sorry we're late. We got—"

"We all know you were fucking at dinner," Joel says.

She turns to me. "I adore your husband, but he's a know it all."

"He is," I agree.

Piper brings us back to the contest. She looks to Violet and Ethan. "You two have been drafted as karaoke judges."

"Straight competition?" Ethan asks.