I just married a hot stranger and found out he's famous. I'm worried my dad is about to disown me for that.

Then I have my law school grades to worry about.

The law school grades part isn't clicking. But if it was an album that bombed…

If the band was breaking up, or I was giving up on music, and I had to face everyone I know and tell them I'd failed at my life's work.

Even if I fucking hated music, I'd be terrified. What the hell else would I do?

How would I deal with the constant pity?

Mom's voice is soft. "I wanted our marriage to work. Your father wanted it to work. But it was always his way or the highway. And I couldn't live like that anymore." Sh

e pats my hand. "Deep down, you know that. Deep down, you know that we weren't happy."


"I can tell you two are new, but you seem good together." She looks me in the eyes. "If you want to help her, listen to her."


"We can meet for breakfast tomorrow." Mom motions to the lobby. "Go, fix things with your wife."



I practically run to the apartment. It's only half a mile, but it feels like an eternity. By the time I arrive, my heart is thudding. My breath is in my throat. My sweat-soaked t-shirt is sticking to my chest.

Bella is sitting in front of the door, cross-legged, her eyes on her phone.

"It's the same." She motions to the cell screen. "I still have Cs." She blinks and a tear rolls down her cheek. "I'm still a failure."

I take a seat next to her. "Don't say shit like that."

She pulls her arms over her chest. "Avoiding the words doesn't change the facts."

"Cs are passing grades."

"Technically. But they aren't good enough. I'm not cut out for law school and nothing is going to change that." She wipes a tear with the back of her hand. "I've failed at what's supposed to be my life's work. My future." She takes an unsteady breath. Her eyes go to her hands, then to the inside of her wrists. "What the hell do I do now?"

I resist my urge to argue. I don't know shit about law school, but it's plausible that Cs really are a failure.

I have to trust Bella here.

I have to take her at her word.

I lean in to whisper. "Do you want to go back to school?"

"You're actually asking?"


She looks up at me with those pretty brown eyes. "You don't want to lecture me about how I'll be miserable?"

"I got the point across."

Her eyes go to the floor. "Did your mom give you shit?"