"Okay. Talk to her. Mutually agree to give it a month. But that is not a decision you make for her." His expression gets stern. "She deserves to know you're evaluating her as a potential wife all week."

"It's not like that."

"It's not far from that."

Technically, he's right. But the way he says it makes it sound ugly.

I do fucking like Bella.

And I want her around.

I'm giving myself time to get certain.

What the hell is wrong with that?

"Hey." That's Bella's voice. She smiles as she moves closer. "I was looking for you." She turns to Kit. "You must be Kit."

"Yeah." He shakes her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too. Joel speaks highly of you," she says.

Kit raises a brow. "Does he."

"Yeah, but you should know that he is trying to teach me to play bass. You might want to do something to secure your place in the band," she says.

Kit chuckles. "I have bad news for you, Bella. Joel is a fucking terrible bassist."

"Oh yeah?" she asks.

"He's not gonna teach you well enough that you could take over." He smiles. "But I can teach you to play drums."

She laughs. "Maybe you could teach me bass and he could teach me drums."

Kit shoots me an I like her look.

"I'll teach you to play drums." I slide my arms around her waist and pull her body into mine. She's soft and warm and she smells so fucking good. "I've got all day free tomorrow."

"Maybe." She nestles into my chest. Her eyes flutter closed for a minute then she forces them open. She turns to Kit with a smile. "You mind if I steal my husband back."

"No." He nods goodbye. "It was nice to meet you. I have to get back to my parents."

"And your soon to be fiancée," I say.

He blushes, a rarity for him. Then he flips me off.

More normal.

I return the gesture.

He takes one more step backwards and raises a brow. Don't hurt this poor girl.

I shoot him an I'm not going to do that on purpose.

We've known each other too long if I can read his face this well.

Bella waits until he's out of earshot to move closer. She plants a slow, deep kiss on my lips.

I've never been shy. I'm not about to start now. My hands go to her hips. I pull her body against mine as I groan into her mouth.