She shakes. "Piper Strong."

Dad shoots me an attaboy look. He turns to Piper, offering her a charming smile. "It's nice to meet a friend of Kit's. Or are you two—"

"Not the time," I cut in.

Dad smiles. "True." He turns back to Mom. "Do you want me to catch him up?"

She shakes her head. "I will." She sits up straighter. Her dark eyes fix on mine. "I had my psych evaluation this morning. I'm going to be released soon, probably tomorrow."

Figures. My heartbeat picks up. I don't like the implications.

Piper moves closer. She rubs the back of my hand with that same affectionate touch. It's like she's telling me it's going to be okay.

Somehow, I believe her.

Mom purses her lips. She looks to the blanket on her lap. "It was an accident. The psychiatrist could see that. She recommended a treatment program. I said no at first. But..." She looks up at me. "I'm starting in a few days."

What? I blink a few times. Mom is going to rehab? But...

"I'm not sure that it will work. The first time, I only made it three months." She looks to me with a weak smile. "How long has it been for you."

"Eight months now. Maybe nine." I press my palm against Piper's. It sounds like an eternity but it's gone fast.

Mom blinks back a tear. Then she's wiping her eyes with her thumb.

Dad offers her a tissue.

She nods thank you, takes it, and dabs her eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Kit. You..." She shakes her head. "You shouldn't be the one inspiring me, but you are." A tear rolls down her cheek. Another. She stops trying to catch them. "I'm lucky to have such a strong son."

I shake my head, but I manage to keep my mouth shut.

"She's right," Piper says. "You are strong. And you take your recovery seriously. I'm never in the fray, but I've been on the sidelines for a long time. I've seen Mal and Ethan lose other friends..." She presses her lips together. "But I never worry that will happen to you."

Mom's eyes are streaked with tears. She looks to Piper. "I'm glad my son has such a supportive girlfriend. Honesty is important. That's what Keith and I... that's what did us in."

That and his inability to keep his dick in his pants.

Mom motions to Joel. "He can come in if he wants." Her eyes get wide. "Joel looks the same as always. Is he the same?"

I nod. "Only with more notches on his belt."

"You shouldn't talk about that in front of your girlfriend," Mom says.

Piper blushes.

Mom smiles. I'm sure it's because she thinks Piper is my girlfriend, but I'm glad she's smiling all the same.

Is this really happening?

Is Mom really going to rehab?

It's hard to believe she's making an effort. Harder to believe that she'll really be okay.

"There are a lot of practicalities to discuss," Mom says. "Your father is going to be home more."

"But I still have to travel for business," he says. "We're thinking about a sobriety companion."

That is serious.