"School's about to start. Are you registered for classes?"

I nod.

"What are you taking?"

"We've been over this twenty times." For a guy who never went to college, Mal is really concerned with my class schedule. I'd rather not talk about it. College isn't clicking with me. I'm not good at taking tests and getting through my required reading is like pulling teeth. I'm slow and I barely retain anything.

"Remind me." He waits until I'm done with the sriracha to pour hot sauce onto his eggs. "Piper, this is important. School comes first."

"I know."

"Something you're worried about?"

"No." More like everything. Mal and Ethan have wanted to make music since forever. And they've been good at it for nearly as long. I've never wanted anything that much. I've certainly never been that good at anything. The only time I've ever been excited about school was when I got lead in Romeo and Juliet junior year. Or when I got lead in Our Town senior year. "I'm looking forward to my drama class." It's the only class I'm looking forward to.

I still have a burning desire to act. This class needs to fill it. I don't have room in my schedule for any more electives and majoring in drama is out of the question.

I'm studying something practical. A good, stable job isn't romantic or exciting, but neither is relying on people who can abandon me at the drop of a hat.

Mal and Ethan wouldn't do that, but my parents are the ones who pay for the house, who pay for school. As long as they pay, I have to pretend like it's okay they're never around. Ethan or Mal could help out. They do well. But I don't want to take away their chance to finally put themselves first.

I take another sip of coffee to wipe away the hurt forming in my chest. It doesn't work.

Mal is looking at me. "You look like you want to talk about something."

I shake my head. I absolutely do not want to talk about this. Any of it. "Just stressed about school. Last

semester was hard when it was only 101 classes."

He nods. "Which advanced classes are you taking?"

"Drama and American History. Literature and bio are 101 classes."

There's something in his deep blue eyes—they're a slightly deeper, cooler shade than mine—but I'm not sure what to make of it.

"It's a normal schedule, but normal is hard."

"You'll do great, Piper. You're smart and you always put in the work." He takes a bite of his eggs. His eyes go back to mine. "I want to get this conversation out of the way, so we can head to the mall and blow the cash Mom and Dad sent on something fun."

"You have plenty of money."

"But this is from them." He smiles over the thought of wasting the money Mom and Dad sent as our Christmas presents. "You need anything when I'm out, you call. Any time, I don't care how late. I'll keep my phone close."

"I'll be fine."

"I'll pick up, anytime. But if I don't, you call Ethan."

"I know."

"And he'll pick up, but if he doesn't, you have Joel and Kit's numbers."

"I have everyone in the crew's numbers."

"Call me first. Even if you think I'll be pissed. Your safety always comes first."

"I'll be—"

"Promise and we'll be done with this conversation." His expression gets stern, paternal.