He shakes his head. "I'm good. You decent?"

I wrap the towel around my chest and knot it tightly. "Yeah. Why?"

"No reason." He pulls the bathroom door open and steps onto the bus.

"Oh fuck, put that thing away," Joel calls out. "Hope that's you in there, Violet?"

"Violet?" Tom's voice flows into the bathroom. "I guess that answers that question. And this answers the how did you get Violet to agree to fuck you question."

Despite the blush forming on my cheeks, I step into the main room. Ethan is still naked. There's no sign he intends to put on clothing.

Not that I'm complaining. But it is strange.

Tom nods hello. Joel does the same.

"Is this a drummer's convention or are you two here to gossip?" I ask.

Tom looks at Ethan. Not so much at Ethan as at Ethan's cock. It is a marvelous sight, even without the hard-on.

He looks to me. "Nice going, Violet."

"Oh God." I hide behind my palm.

Joel looks around the room. "So we're all okay with th


"I'm enjoying it," I say.

"Doesn't bother me," Tom says.

Joel shakes his head. He grabs the blanket off the couch and tosses it to Ethan. "You're washing that next time we stop."

Ethan laughs but he still gets back into his jeans and t-shirt. Well, the Sinful Serenade t-shirt that no doubt belongs to someone else.

He's not wearing anything under his jeans.

How am I supposed to think for the rest of the night?

"Shit, if you'd told me you were gonna be a free walking billboard, I would have insisted you put on clothes." Tom looks to me. "How was it?"

"You don't have to answer that." Ethan steps behind me. He slides his arms around me and pulls my body into his.

Tom and Joel share a look. I have no idea what it means. Maybe it's drummer code? Ah, it's so much fun being out of the loop.

Tom turns to me. "What's the verdict?"

"Don't you have a wife to talk to?" I ask.

"She's on an assignment. I'm not to disturb her." He raises a brow. "So?"

"It was amazing. Now both of you, go. At least for five minutes. I need to get dressed and there's no privacy in here," I say.

"There's a bathroom," Joel says.

"Now!" I fold my arms over my chest.

He chuckles but he still leaves. Tom too. He winks on his way out the door.