Miles turns to me. "Don't let the hand cramps stop you, Ethan. That's why man invented the vibrator. It's a tool. Like an amp. Doesn't make you any less of a man."

"I think the guy knows about the vibrator," Tom says.

"You're the one saying he's not a pervert," Miles says.

"Okay, sorry. Ethan's a pervert! Are you happy?" Tom asks.

"Peachy." Miles blows Tom a kiss.

Pete chuckles. He tosses me a spare Sinful Serenade t-shirt. "You gonna listen to our bullshit, or you gonna go satisfy your girl?"

"She's not my girl," I say.

"Not with that attitude," Pete says.

The man has a point.

We have a few hours until we're due back on the bus. As much as I enjoy the company of the Sinful guys, I want to spend that time with Violet.

I pull the t-shirt on.

Miles claps. "That's my boy."

I nod a thanks as I step into the hallway. It's crowded with crew and hangers-on. But I can see Violet in the corner, chatting with Joel. God knows what the drummer is telling her.

People offer congrats and good jobs as I cut through the crowd. Any other day, I'd stop to soak in the admiration. Right now, I need to be near Violet.

Fuck, I need to be inside Violet.

"Excuse me for cutting in." I slide between her and Joel.

"Hey! Don't be rude. We were just gossiping about you," he says.

I keep my eyes on Violet's. "Is that right?"

She nods. "Debating whether or not your ego will get too big to fit through the door. My money's on yes." Her voice is light. She's teasing and she's having fun doing it.

"Mine too. Not a good debate really." Joel laughs. He leans in to whisper in my ear. "I can keep Kit and Mal distracted for an hour tops if you want the bus to yourself."

Fuck, when did Joel become such a genius? "Sounds good."

Violet arches a brow. "Have I become the subject of gossip?"

Joel shrugs. "Sorry, Valentine. No one is immune. You're still my favorite." He blows her a kiss as he walks away.

She laughs. "He hasn't changed at all." Her fingers graze my bicep. Then she's tracing the lettering on my t-shirt. "I

like your taste. Hot pink is a bold choice for a man."


"Suits your complexion too." She looks up at me. "You know, I heard what Joel said, about us being alone in the bus."

"Just Joel, being Joel."

"Oh." She presses her lips together with disappointment.

"Vi, every inch of me wants to fuck you." I lean close enough to press my forehead to hers. "But I'm not in a rush. I want you to be sure you want it too."