He's going to kiss me.

Fuck, I want him to kiss me.

My body takes over. I nod a yes.

His hands go to my hips. In one swift movement, he presses me against the bus's wall-slash-window. The glass is cold against the exposed skin on my lower back.

Then my eyes are closed and his lips are on mine.

And he tastes good. He tastes like home. Right now, this instant, is the first time I've felt home in a long time.

My hands go to his ass. I pull him closer.

He's hard. And he's grinding his crotch against mine.

Every inch of me wants every inch of him.

This is the best thing I've felt in a long, long time.

I'm about to beg him to throw me on the bed when the door opens.

Joel steps onto the bus. "Fuck, Violet, is that you?"

There's surprise written all over his grey-green eyes.

I take a step backwards. "I… I should go." Before I do something I regret.

Joel gives me an out. "Sinful Serenade just started. You won't miss much if you go now."

"Yeah, great idea. Thanks."

I need to get out of here. My brain isn't working. It's mostly tuned to the Ethan is a sex god, I need him inside me channel.

It's a very appealing channel.

I manage to switch to the Violet, you do have self-respect channel. I step off the bus, return to the concert, and attempt to think about anything but Ethan's naked body.

Chapter 10


Joel spares me the lecture. It's not like he can talk about screwing around. He sleeps around more than I do. Or more than I did. Now that Violet is around, casual sex doesn't hold any appeal.

I keep glancing at her. She's in the kitchenette, working at Mal's laptop, headphones around her ears.

It's a normal night on the road. Mal is in his bunk with his earplugs in. Kit, Joel, and I are playing some shooter video game on the couch. Usually, I kick ass at this game.

Tonight, I don't give a fuck. I can still taste her lips. I can still feel her moan vibrating against my skin. I need her moaning like that.

I need her screaming my name as she comes.

That kiss was enough to convince me. No fucking around. She's going to be under me, digging her nails into my back as I thrust into her.

It's not stopping there.

Being around Violet, seeing her smile light up her gorgeous green eyes, hearing her laugh in my ears… she's the only thing, besides getting my hands on a guitar, that feels right.

Violet is going to be mine again.