"You want it or not." He waves the controller.

"Yeah. Sure." It's four steps back to the couch. I take the controller, plop in the corner, and attempt to concentrate on the game.

After another round, Joel retires to his bunk to read.

Thankfully, Kit appreciates a good monster movie as much as I do. We watch The Thing, the remake. Violet would love this movie—it's all about people going crazy with suspicion and mistrust, like her favorite TV show, Battlestar Galactica.

I want to share it with her. I want to share everything with her. But now isn't the time. Something is bothering her. As much as I hate it, I have to give her space.

Violet stays in her bunk until well after sunset. She's quiet as she steps into the kitchenette and rifles through the fridge for something to eat. The thing is full of premade meals— Mal is the only one of us who can cook for shit. She grabs one and sticks it in the microwave.

Her eyes meet mine. She looks at me like she's searching for something. Whatever it is she wants, I want to give it to her.

But she doesn't want that. Her expression gets strained and awkward. She grabs her takeout container the second it's ready and slips back to her bunk.

She's avoiding me.

But why?

I give her time to finish her food, then I make my way to her bunk. She's propped up with a pillow behind her back and her e-reader in her hands.

"Hey." I kneel on the ground in front of her.

Her voice is unsteady. "Hey."

"We have a guacamole date."

"Oh. Yeah." She presses her lips together. Then her fingertips. "Do we have everything? We need avocados, limes, cilantro, salt, and onions."

"I'll check."

Her eyes stay on me as I make my way to the fridge. It's clear Mal is in charge of the kitchen. Everything is organized in its proper place. It only takes a minute to find all the ingredients.

Violet slips out of her bunk. Her steps are unsteady as she joins me in the kitchen. Something is off. Something is wrong.

I'm going to find out what it is.

She examines our ingredients. "We need a bowl, a knife, and a cutting board."

One by one, I get everything we need. There's not much counter space in the bus. I have to put the coffeemaker away.

"Joel won't let you hear the end of that." Violet's voice lifts.

"Joel can kiss my ass."

"Not until I leave in New York. Until then, that's my ass, and I'm protective of my property." She smiles, but there's a sadness in her eyes.

I want to scoop Violet into my arms and pin her to the wall, but that's not the right move here.

Not if I want her mine again.

Not if I want her forever.

I tease back. "Always nice to feel protected."

"Yeah, it is." This time, her smile wipes away all the frustration in her expression. "I'll lead, but you're the one with your hands on the controls. Okay?"

I nod. "Where do I start, Master Guacamole Chef Violet Valentine?"