"So we have." He looks at me with a hint of sadness, like he really does love me. "I really do hope he makes you happy."

"We're very happy," I say. I almost believe it.



I spend fifteen minutes listening to Ellen berate Nicholas. She mentions something about Alyssa needing time to pack up since she's leaving New York tomorrow. It's not entirely believable, but I trust her enough not to question her motives.

When Alyssa arrives she's wearing a guilty look. She greets me with a hug, squeezing me much tighter than she usually does. There's something strange about it, but it's still sweet and warm.

Ellen clears her throat, turning her gaze to Alyssa. "Won't you two get enough of that tonight? Geez."

"You're just jealous," Alyssa says.

"We'll see who goes home with the hotter guy," Ellen says. She looks to the guy behind the bar, a twenty-something in a tight T-shirt.

She's been staring at him all night.

"Unless you and Luke somehow convince me I'm open to a threesome, I'm going home with the hotter guy."

"A threesome with another girl? No way."

Nicholas rolls his eyes. "Can either of you talk about something besides sex for forty-five seconds?"

Ellen looks straight at Nicholas, copying and exaggerating his eye roll as if she's mocking him. "I'm finding my truth, and my truth is all about cocks."

"Philistine," he says.

"Pretentious asshat," Ellen mutters. She sticks her tongue out and flips Nicholas off.

"Play nice you guys. This is my last night here," Alyssa says.

"For you dear, I'll consider it." Ellen makes eye contact with Alyssa. "That's a major show of friendship--that I'll be nice to Nicholas to make you happy."

Nicholas shakes his head, but he doesn't seem bothered. They must do a lot of this kind of thing.

Ellen scoots out of her seat. "I'll get the next round. Tequila shots are on me!"

She pushes out of the booth without waiting for a reaction. We don't have a choice in the matter. It's tequila shots or bust.

Alyssa scoots closer to me. She turns toward me and presses her lips against mine.

The rush of contact sends a shiver down my spine, but there's something off about it.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She nods, offering a weak smile. "There's a lot to think about." She turns to Nicholas. "How do you do this all the time?"

He shrugs. "You get used to it."

Ellen returns with the shots and hands one to each of us. "To... getting totally wasted."

Alyssa laughs, but she slams back her shot quickly. There's a certain joy to it, but there's also a desperation.

Ellen slams her shot, coughing. She shakes her head and jumps up and down. "You two--" She points to me and Nicholas. "This is a party. And a party calls for shots."

I bring my glass to my lips, tasting the first hint of tequila. I've never really been one for shots, but what the hell? I tilt my head back and swallow it in one gulp.