I turn towards her. "Ryan wasn't exactly... giving. Luke, on the other hand."

"Ally, this isn't necessary," Luke says.

Damn. I've never seen him back out of bragging about his sex skills. He must really want this reunion.

I fold my arms. Fuck what either of them wants. I'm done doing what other people want.

"And he's bigger too," I say.

It barely registers with my mother, but Luke lights up. God, I'm not going to live that one down.

"You've made your point." Mom taps the table. Her only move after she's finished her drink.

I suck the last drop of tequila from my glass, then move on to Luke's. It's

sweet and salty and it tastes like his lips.

"If you want to talk about something besides what a mess my life is, we can continue this conversation. Otherwise--" I fish my wallet out of my purse and take out three hundred-dollar bills. "Here's cab fare back to Massachusetts."

I throw the money in her face. She frowns. "You're making a scene."

"That's my money, you know. Money I earned from acting. And, guess what--my fucking show is coming back for another season, and I'll make even more money. More than Ryan does even."

She just shakes her head. There's no reason to bother. She's not here, not really. She doesn't have it in her to understand me.

I try to push myself out of my seat but Luke grabs me.

I bring my eyes towards his, shaking off his arm. "She was insulting you!"

"I've heard worse."

"Yeah, well I put up with enough of this bullshit when I was with Ryan." I hold my mother's gaze for a moment. "You had what you wanted for a while. We were together and was I good little housewife in training. Ready to become absolutely empty the way you are."

"Alyssa!" Luke yells. His hand clamps around my wrist. "You don't mean that."

"Are you listening? I don't deal with people who tell me what I mean." I step back and suck in a deep breath. My heart is pounding against my chest.

He stands up and wraps his arm around my waist. It's possessive, yes, but not like he's going to force me to stay. "Are you sure you want to go?"

I nod. "I'll pay the check first. With the money I earned acting."

I glare at my mother again, but she's too fucking drunk to even care.

"Did you even watch the play?" I ask.

She shrugs like it's nothing.

I shake my head, breaking free of Luke's grasp. Our server is in the corner, watching with her jaw hanging open. I move towards her and hand her two more hundred-dollar bills.

"Keep the change."

"But, Miss Summers. That's so generous."

I turn to leave, but I stop myself. "Wait. What's your name?"

"Daria Sanders."

"What's your night off?"