"You know there are male performers in the show. I think they're gay, but they're still hot."

"It's not like you to bring up my eating."

"Oh, well, you know... I was concerned."

"You were or Luke was?" I ask.

"We both were."

"You two were talking about me?"

"I ran into him."


She clears her throat. "He stopped by to say hello."

"Hello, spy on my girlfriend."

"He's worried about you."

"So he should talk to me," I say.

Laurie brings her attention to me. Her eyes are balls of fire behind her red glasses. "Don't take this the wrong way, but do you actually let him talk to you?"

"Of course I--"

"Do you tell him when you're upset? When you need help?"

I bite my lip. I do. Sometimes. I may not go into lurid detail, but I talk to Luke about how I feel. More or less. "Sometimes."

"Well, there's a reason why he's worried. I'm not saying you need to tell him every tiny thought you have, but he's obviously not getting enough. Maybe you could tell him something to ease his mind."

"You're never on his side."

"I'm not on anyone's side. I want you two to live happily ever after together. But it isn't going to h

appen if you don't talk to him."


"Think about it. It would be a shame to lose someone who loves you so much," she says.

Does she really think I'm pushing Luke that hard? Does she really think I might lose him?

The waitress returns with our food, and I push the thoughts away. Laurie is here and we're going to have fun. We aren't going to sit in this little café wallowing.

Laurie slides her fork into her chocolate chip pancakes. Then she brings the fork to her lips and devours them. "Oh my God, Alyssa, you have to try these." She clears her throat. "If you want."



I nod, and take a bite of the pancakes. It's a tiny bite, but it's something.

They're good, sweet with a rich cocoa flavor. Laurie practically squeals over my taking a bite, and I know she'll leave me be for the rest of the day.

I no longer merit concern.