My face flushes as a shiver runs to my toes. I close my eyes, soaking in the sounds of his groans, his breath, his ecstasy.

"Mhmm." His nails are sharp against my hips.

He's almost there.

My sex clenches, desperate to come with him. He thrusts into me, groaning louder and louder, going deeper and deeper.

The tension inside me builds. More and more and more, and tighter and tighter and tighter. I squeeze him with my thighs to keep from coming. Not yet. Not until it's with him.

"Fuck." He moans, thrusting into me one last time. His cock is pulsing inside me, and my sex responds in kind, tightening more and more and more, until everything is releasing, and we come together.

Pleasure floods through me, drowning my senses. I close my eyes and flop onto my back. He collapses next to me, his arm curled around my waist, his chest against my back.



It doesn't take much to coax Alyssa into a joint shower. She's tired and giggly, gripping onto my shoulders to help herself stay upright. I lather her with soap and she returns the favor.

There's such a sweetness to it. It's the two of us, in this tiny steamy glass room. Nothing but the sound of rushing water, the slick feel of soap and shampoo, the heat rising off the tile floor.

I've demanded too much from her for too long. I need to remind her why she should open herself to me, wh

y she ever decided to trust me in the first place.

I need to remind her why she loves me.

We finish the shower and linger naked in the hotel room for far longer than we should. It's quiet here, no sounds except the ocean crashing some two hundred feet outside the window.

Alyssa explores the nooks and crannies of the room, marveling at its grandness. It is an amazing room--tall ceilings, bright furniture, huge windows--but I'm mostly interested in the wide bed and the private balcony.

I bring my gaze back to Alyssa. Now that is something to marvel at. Her wet hair sticks to her head and neck, and the light streaming through the blinds surrounds her with a soft glow. She's so damn beautiful--clear eyes, lush curves, perfect skin.

She catches me looking at her and blushes. Damn. I could never get tired of that blush.

"I suppose," she says, stretching her arms over her head, "that I should put on some clothes."

I offer my hand. She moves towards me, into my grasp. I slide my arm around her waist and pull her onto my lap. "That's not necessary."

She rubs my shoulders. Her touch is sweet and gentle. An I love you, not a fuck me now.

"Don't get any ideas," she says.

"That's my line." I pull her closer, wrapping my arms around her. It's been hell being away from her. I need to soak in every damn second I can be in her presence. I bring my gaze back to her eyes. "How's your headache?"

She laughs and meets my gaze. Her expression is sweet, but there's an intensity to it. A need. "Cured mysteriously."

"I have many skills."

She shakes her head and pushes away from me. "Enough bragging."

Alyssa scans the room, no doubt looking for her clothes. I point to a small heap on the floor. She groans with put-on irritation and moves to her suitcase instead.

"And did I also wipe out all your energy?" I ask.

She turns back to me, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Where do you get this endless confidence?"

"From the sounds you make when you come."